Three Things to Remember – Training Season Is Not Over
This year’s training season isn’t over yet – and maybe it’s just gotten a bit longer!
Three IMPORTANT maintenance things to remember before you hurt your bike. They’re simple and we do them during the outdoor riding season. But, they are so easy to forget riding inside…
Well done. I tried to keep going out in the winter. But on one if the coldest days my 105 shifter packed up (would go up but not down). Limped home. Took me couple of weeks to find second hand ultegra ones. Then the weather got bad again. Hopefully will start again later this week. My old bike is now all ready to go.
Looking like another 6 inches of new snow on top of the weekend snowfall.
No rush getting out at this end. All this has to melt then we’ll need a couple good, hard rains to get the road shoulders washed clean.
I’m glad I took care of those little things before they became a problem.