How To Minimize Road Bike Sweat Damage

Real-life read bike sweat damage and the only two things we can do about it.

Sweat has corroded and destroyed various parts of my bike. Most recently the head tube bearings.

Bike Blood
Bike Blood

Sweat corroded head tube bearings.

Sweat corroded head tube bearings.

Sweat corroded head tube bearings.
Sweat corroded head tube bearings.
Sweat corroded head tube bearings.
Sweat corroded head tube bearings.

The only two things we can do about it is keep the sweat off the bike and clean it up after.

Thankfully, it’s not that hard…


This was a hard video to make. Rain, bugs, and the learning curve claimed my first two attempts and forced me indoors for a third. I learned about the changing sound frequencies of jungle cicadas, that it’s hard to make a video in the rain at the top of a mountain when you get their by bike, and that you should always switch to airplane mode when you shoot with an iPhone.

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