3 Week Vegan Challenge #hclfvegan Almost #rawtill4

I just finished a 3-week vegan challenge / experiment and I want to report what I learned from the experience.

First a bit of the backstory.  Out here in Chiang Mai, Thailand we meet other road bikers as we ride the wonderful hills and local loops.  The community isn’t that big so we tend to bump into the same people quite often. On one of those chance meetings a bunch of us were invited to attend the 2016 Vegan Bike Festival.  It’s not the purpose of this post but these guys put together a health conference where the venue was at the top of the mountain and everyone is expected to ride, run, or walk there.  This is a real put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is event and that intrigued me.  Anyway, I ended up riding with the group and attending the conference every other day.  The whole thing was a positive experience.
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Doi Suthep with Freelee, Durianrider and the Vegans

Me with Freelee the Banana Girl and Durianrider.
Me with Freelee the Banana Girl and Durianrider.

A couple weeks ago I was invited to join the Q&A at the annual Vegan Conference up at Wat Doi Suthep on the top of the mountain.   I’ve been able to ride up with them three times this week and attend the Q&A session.

I even made it into one of Freelee the Banana Girl videos.  That’s me at 32 seconds in…


What a great group of passionate people.  Freeley and Durianrider even recorded a short message for my daughters which I’ll put up soon.

My plan is to ride with them again next week.